
1. 定義

“訂單”是指買方使用網站向賣方進行購買,並成功全額付款,沒有任何爭議。 買方將收到每一個訂單的訂單確認。


“買方”是指根據本條款及條件從賣方處購買貨物並確認其在下訂單時至少年滿 18 歲的客戶。



2. 一般

  1. 以下條款及條件適用于賣方與買方之間關於銷售和購買貨物的每份合同,並構成合同的一部分。
  2. 買方可能尋求強加或交易、慣例或交易過程可能暗示的條款及條件均不適用或具有效力。
  3. 通過向賣方下訂單,買方提出購買貨物,並受此條款及條件的約束。
  4. 買方應瞭解其固有的風險,並警告應適度飲酒。
  5. 賣方非常重視買方的隱私,不會將任何細節傳遞給任何協力廠商,但交付公司或出於執行訂單而對特定資訊有強制性需求的方除外。

3. 價格和合同

  1. 所有銷售均需經賣方最終確認。 價格如有變動,恕不另行通知。
  2. 除非另有說明,本網站和相關價目表上的報價為:
    1. 以港元標記
    2. b) 每箱或每瓶所示。
    3. c) 不包括稅收、消費稅和送貨費用(如適用)。
    4. d) 接受訂單後,經我們確認,但須經我們確認
  3. 賣方僅接受這些 T&C 下的所有訂單,並且這些 T&C 是賣方向任何買方銷售的任何產品的唯一 T&C。 除非得到賣方的書面同意,否則不得更改 T&C。 除非有如此約定,否則任何相反或附加條款均不包括在內。 買方下達貨物訂單或接受貨物應表明無條件接受這些T&C。
  4. 這些 T&C 取代以前與貨物有關的所有口頭或書面陳述、承諾和協定。
  5. 賣方對賣方或其雇員或代理人向買方作的任何虛假陳述,在香港法律允許的情況下,或除非賣方以書面形式作出或確認,對貨物的狀況或品質作出虛假陳述,賣方概不負責。
  6. 雖然賣方在準備其網站時採取了一切預防措施,但目錄、價目表和其他文獻僅供買方參考,其中的陳述不構成賣方和賣方的陳述不受他們的約束。 賣方出具的任何銷售資料、價目表、接受要約、發票或其他檔或資訊中的任何印刷、文書或其他錯誤或遺漏均應予更正,賣方不承擔任何責任。來自其他網站的內容

4. 取消、破損和短缺

  1. 所有訂單都是最終的。 客戶只能在第 4.3 條規定的條件下取消或修改訂單。
  2. 賣方保留取消任何訂單的權利,恕不一行。 如果訂單有問題或問題,賣方通常會聯繫買方,試圖解決它。
  3. 對於賣方確認的貨物是缺貨,導致確認交貨時程表延遲超過 7 天。 賣方將通過電子郵件通知買方大致交貨時程表。 買方可以取消或修改訂單,並全額退款該特定專案或替換為替代品。
  4. 賣方不接受因產品缺陷而不需要更換的任何貨物的退貨。 賣方努力始終提供產品在峰值條件,但買方必須適當考慮自然變化的酒皮,條件的情況下,標籤和軟木塞的葡萄酒超過五年。
  5. 買方必須在交貨時檢查貨物狀況和發票的準確性。
  6. 交貨單應由買方簽字,交貨單的退貨副本將是良好狀態和訂單交付令人滿意的收貨證明。
  7. Claims for breakages or shortfalls must be notified in writing on the delivery note at the time of delivery, and by post or email, and must be received by The Seller within two working days of receiving the Goods.
  8. Breakages must be retained with the original packaging for examination. Failure to comply will result in non-satisfaction of the claim.
  9. If the Buyers finds a product to be defective, they must notify The Seller within two days (48 hours) after such bottle is opened and return the bottle to The Seller with at least three-quarters left inside the bottle for verification. Refunds or exchanges will only be applicable on The Seller’s exclusive agency products.

5. Delivery

  1. The Seller offers free delivery for orders over HKD 1,000 per location. For remote areas, extra delivery charges may apply. Remote areas include the outlying islands, Discovery Bay, the airport and the border areas. For these locations, and other such remote areas, The Buyer must inquire for an exact delivery quote.
  2. For orders below HKD 1,000, the Seller charges a HKD 100 delivery fee for next day delivery and HKD 50 for normal delivery. Delivery fees may change at The Seller’s discretion.
  3. Orders for delivery must be submitted to The Seller before 16:00 on the previous working day. The Seller cannot guarantee next business day delivery for orders received after 16:00.
  4. Delivery service is available on Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 20:00 and Saturday 10:00 to 14:00. No delivery service is offered on Sundays, Statutory Holidays or during Typhoon Signal 8, or higher, Red-Rainstorm or higher.
  5. Same-day deliveries are offered at an additional charge of HKD200 per order.
  6. If a scheduled delivery cannot be completed due to the absence of The Buyer, a standard delivery fee of HKD 100 will be charged to The Buyer.

6. Payment

  1. Invoices and settlements shall be in Hong Kong Dollars.
  2. If The Buyer does not settle the outstanding amount as per the agreed terms, The Seller will charge the full outstanding amount to The Buyer’s Credit Card on file.
  3. If The Seller shall have to consult solicitors or other agents to recover overdue sums, The Buyer will indemnify The Seller in relation to reasonable fees payable to such solicitors or it agents.

7. Reservation of Proprietary Rights

  1. Title to all products shall remain with The Seller until the total amount of payment has been received, even if the Goods have been resold to a third party. Risk in all Goods shall pass to The Buyer as soon as goods have been delivered.

8. Limitation of Liability

  1. The Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the Seller or The Seller’s employees or agents in circumstances where:
    1. loss or damage was not foreseeable to both parties when the contract was formed;
    2. loss or damage relates to business and/or non-consumers.
  2. Under no circumstance whatsoever shall the Seller or any affiliates, directors, officers or employees (together, the “Company”) be liable for special or consequential damages including loss of business, and in no event shall any liability of the Company exceed the purchase price of any Goods purchased.

9. Force Majeure

  1. The Seller shall not be liable for any failure to meet their obligations occasioned by circumstances beyond their reasonable control, which may include: fire, flood, accidents, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties and/or equipment failures.
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購物車內沒有任何商品。 購物車內沒有任何商品。
